**Episode 12 – The Airship**

    **^^^Episode ^^^aired ^^^March ^^^21st, ^^^1976**

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    **Note to all participants**

    Although I don’t believe it necessitates stating, please conduct yourself appropriately and be courteous to your fellow participants.

    **Note to all Rewatchers**

    Rewatchers, please be mindful of your fellow first-timers and tag your spoilers appropriately using the r/anime spoiler tag if your comment holds even the slightest of indicators as to future spoilers. Feel free to discuss future plot points behind the safe veil of a spoiler tag, or coyly and *discreetly* ‘Laugh in Rewatcher’ at our first-timers’ temporary ignorance, but please ensure our first-timers are no more privy or suspicious than they were the moment they opened the day’s thread.

    **Staff Highlight**

    Mieko Nobusawa – voice of Fiolina

    > An actress and voice actress best known for her roles on TV dramas through the 70s and 80s. She was involved in extracurricular activities related to theatre during middle school and high school, as well as being a member of the Announcement Study Group while attending Waseda University’s Faculty of Social Sciences. She joined the theatre company NLT some time after graduating university, but little else is known about her early career. Nobusawa married fellow actor Shingo Hiramatsu. Her other anime roles include Lana in *Future Boy Conan*, Budori’s Mother in *The Life of Guskou Budori*, Mrs. Ellison in *Sherlock Hound*, Koros in *Invincible Steelman Daitarn 3*, Kaede Hanazono in *Mahou Shoujo Lalabel*, Shadow in *Galaxy Express 999*, and Rumi Shiragi in *Ashita e Attack*.

    **Daily Trivia**

    > On the Toei Manga Festival on July 22nd, 1976, several episodes of the show were shown before a crowd. This event was also the first instance of a Nippon Animation show being present at the event.

    **Screenshot of the day**

    – [Fast Friends](https://i.imgur.com/KBN568X.png)

    **Questions of the Day:**

    1) What do you think of Emilio and Marco’s friendship?

    2) Have you seen many dirigibles in person?

    **Argentina will be like a city next to ours.**

    by Pixelsaber


    1. **Rewatcher**

      [Marco is frustrated.](https://i.imgur.com/RRu1ELU.png)

      [Ah, I see.](https://i.imgur.com/aApkvkf.png) A mixture of sadness, jealousy, and not finding the right words to say in the letter.

      [So he *did* resolve to go after that letter.](https://i.imgur.com/TporYZx.png)

      [Don’t forget the rock salt!](https://i.imgur.com/hzgN4JQ.png)

      [Maybe they didn’t!](https://i.imgur.com/uZ7LxCj.png)

      [Looks like the troupe will be taking advantage of the gathered crowd as well.](https://i.imgur.com/LbztiSW.png)

      [Oh dear.](https://i.imgur.com/QdropuZ.png)

      [This is going very poorly.](https://i.imgur.com/NqcOEwW.png)


      [Emilio’s too kind.](https://i.imgur.com/wLwHT5F.png)

      [I don’t trust this, but it *is* about time that Marco gets to traveling.](https://i.imgur.com/qQGrRo7.png)


      Nothing much to say about the Airship event itself. Seems like the sudden storm didn’t have much of an effect on things and was just a cheap source of brief, unneeded drama. Would have preferred if they simply barely made back their investment because they arrived too late to take full advantage of the crowd —or, better yet, the storm doesn’t dissipate so quickly. That would have made their need to resort to the black market to attain passage on the immigration ship more interesting too, particularly as it’s made evident by the end that Emilio’s efforts in everything in this episode was largely or purely for Marco’s benefit. They could have spun that into a more interesting scenario than what we got.

      Emilio has been a dependable friend for Marco through most of the show, but this episode really showed us how generous he is in helping Marco. Emilio’s an amazing friend, and I hope Marco appreciates that as much as he should.

      **Questions of The Day:**

      1) See above.

      2) I used to see them all the time back when I lived in Puerto Rico, but none since I moved here. I guess some of the state’s more stringent (at least, in comparison to my home) public advertising restrictions makes renting out such services for adverts less viable for companies.

    2. TheEscapeGuy on

      ### First Timer

      ## 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother – [Episode 12](https://imgur.com/WRxMCim)

      _Marketplace Fluctuations_

      Marco started this episode in a real mood. It’s understandable with everything that has happened, but it doesn’t feel great for him. He even lashed out at Fiolina about it. So when Emilio came offering a business idea which would (hopefully) solve his financial woes, Marco jumped at the opportunity.

      Selling ice-cream at a big outdoors event in summer is a guaranteed hit. That said, given the era they are living in they can’t exactly pick up pre-made stuff at a grocery store. So Emilio’s idea is to make some manually. I’ve made ice-cream before. Typically after churning you should freeze overnight (or for at least a few hours) unless you want extremely-soft soft-serve. All I’m saying is they maybe exaggerated the speed here. Ignoring the practicalities they somehow managed to make 2 batches.

      Of course this means they ended up arriving to the event late and everyone was too busy watching the takeoff to actually buy ice cream. And then if things couldn’t get any worse it started raining. At this point I was convinced they were giving Marco a confirmed failure to work through for next episode. Like, maybe he would need encouragement from Fiolina or his Dad to get his confidence again.

      But no, as suddenly as the rain started it stopped. Everyone came out, and then suddenly everyone started buying ice-cream. It’s a happy ending, but just feels a little too convenient? And on top of that Fiolina just comes out and starts helping with sales after Marco’s morning outburst? Sure, he apologized but only afterwards. Honestly, I wish more people were like Fiolina, but I haven’t met them IRL.

      The episode did end with a small setup. Marco and Emilio didn’t end up making enough money to cover Marco’s ticket. So they headed to the shady areas to try strike up a deal with a somewhat unscrupulous fellow for a discounted ticket. I fully expect this guy not to honour the deal, but I guess we will see next episode.

      ### Some Amazing Shots, Scenes and Stitches

      * [Airship Setup](https://imgur.com/TpnzMhs)
      * [Starlit Dock](https://imgur.com/ZKPgl6N)

      See you all tomorrow

    3. **First timer, subs**

      * I don’t think you really have enough money to be crumpling up paper all willy-nilly.
      * They seem like they are growing into the neighberhood well. That’s nice.
      * Still don’t know enough about the period this is set in to talk about human flight development.
      * Jeez, Marco’s really got his knickers in a twist. I know the letter wasn’t great, but this reaction at least a day later is a bit much.
      * [Jesus, Marco](#kumikolook)
      * Why do they all call it the reclaimed dock? Would children their age even know or care about that?
      * For how hidden it was, you would think Macro would already know how much money he has.
      * What, were you not already planning on trying to maximize today’s take?
      * Nothing like a little ice cream venture capitalism.
      * Oh dang. It’s got an engine too? That’s proper flecked, it is.
      * Should have planned this out better to get that pre-take-off money.
      * Early air stuff is so much fun with how jank it looks.
      * Is that… a normal way to serve ice cream? Cones weren’t until 1904, but just a loose wafer seems so odd. At last add a top and make it a sandwich.
      * Not gonna lie, that’s a neat dance they’ve got going there.
      * Huh, turns out rubber balloons are from the 1820s, much older than I thought.
      * [Profit Margins!](#smugboard)
      * Human trafficking? In *my* anime?
      * What? No. Argentina would be next to, like, Namibia.

    4. Shimmering-Sky on

      **3000 Leagues in Search of My First-Timer Reactions**

      – [When the writer’s block hits, mood.](https://i.imgur.com/tC4z1cu.png) [](#elves)

      – [Someone’s in a mood…](https://i.imgur.com/HQVJRZI.png)

      – [Is *that* what the source of his mood is?](https://i.imgur.com/n3vSgOb.png) Because he’ll miss Fiolina and co. and because [he can’t think of what he wants to send to his mom?](https://i.imgur.com/ZndXNI2.png)

      – [Ooh. Promising.](https://i.imgur.com/x81H3Rn.png)

      – [He sounds so close…](https://i.imgur.com/1kEuGSt.png)

      – [Oh no, a storm is going to stop them from selling the ice cream they made, isn’t it?](https://i.imgur.com/sbMk94p.png) [](#emiliaohdear)

      – [F](https://i.imgur.com/jx0pd9R.png) [](#toradorasalute)

      – [Thunderstorm it is, welp.](https://i.imgur.com/SFxjLye.png)

      – Oh, that didn’t last long. And now they’re doing business!

      – [But it’s not enough…](https://i.imgur.com/EPkUxZJ.png)

      – [Oh!](https://i.imgur.com/WruOmJN.png) [](#suddenshock)

      – [Hm…](https://i.imgur.com/EUpFK6K.png) [](#sakurathink)

      – I do not trust this guy.

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