*Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Season 3*, episode 6

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    * [Crunchyroll](http://crunchyroll.com/the-irregular-at-magic-high-school)

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    by AutoLovepon


    1. ObvsThrowaway5120 on

      So much maneuvering and counter maneuvering from all involved parties and Tatsuya’s caught right in the middle of all of it. Very keen to see how things play out at the competition.

    2. # Onii-sama Count

      ##Season 3: Steeplechase

      Episode No. | Onii-sama Count
      01 | 6
      02 | 3
      03 | 5
      04 | 3
      05 | 7
      **06** | **9**

      ## Aggregate Counts

      Installment | Total Count | Average per Episode
      Season 3 | 24 | 4.8
      Season 2 | 103 | 7.92
      Season 1 | 172 | 6.62
      Miyuki Arc Spinoff | 170 | 13.08
      The Girl Who Summons The Stars | 23
      Reminiscence Arc | 19
      **Everything** | **520** | **8.67**

      Notes: Finally an above average Onii-sama count!

    3. Sometimes a pure, unapologetic power fantasy is just the entertainment you need. Seeing literally anyone who knows anything basically admit they have no power to stop Tatsuya if he decides to move is pretty fun.

      I also feel like they all have a death wish considering every scheme so far amounts to “poke the bear and see what happens”.

    4. michhoffman on

      I really liked the effect at the end of Maya seeing Tatsuya and Miyuki in her coffee cup. It’s a good thing Miyuki wasn’t there in the room when Maya called Tatsuya an abomination. The coffee may have frozen.

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