*Blue Archive The Animation*, episode 5

    **Reminder:** Please do not discuss plot points not yet seen or skipped in the show. Failing to follow the rules may result in a ban.



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    * [Anime-Planet](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/blue-archive-the-animation)
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    by AutoLovepon


    1. BlackberryCooky on

      Can the mods just please reverse their decision to lock the damn discussion threads for Blue Archive each week? Its a really unpopular decision and literally every post has a comment about the matter.

      Point 1: if they hate the damn AniOne subs so much, just remove it from the list of available streams, and leave the discussion up. They don’t even tell you HOW or WHERE to access the good/cleaned subs anyways (although any anime watcher knows) so what’s the damn point anyways. It just kills user engagement for absolutely no reason especially when Girls Band Cry is literally doing MTL anyways but still get their thread on day 1 instead of 36 hours?

      Point 2: the AniOne subs aren’t unwatchable. Speaking of the subs (the main reason why the discussion is locked) It’s not even that bad? Sure the translation clearly could be better, but most people honestly wouldn’t mind watching an anime with bad subs to watch it as soon as possible rather than waiting a day for good subs to come out. Furthermore, most of the anime watchers probably are the people that play the game anyways, when…

      Point 3: The anime is not even that good.
      Why the heck are the mods making such a big deal out of this anime anyways? Sure it had a LOT of hype at the beginning but me and a lot of other people in the Blue Archive community really don’t think the anime is that good, this is especially true when there isn’t a huge budget for this anime as compared to Yostar’s other works.

      I do appreciate if I can get a response since I do think these are really common complaints/arguments as of the recent treatment of the discussion threads.

    2. BlackberryCooky on

      According to what people are saying right now it seems like the director they hired from this episode literally doesn’t understand the source material and cut the good parts out.

      That said…Episode 5 isn’t good. It’s really BAD. Worst episode by far.

      First comes with the whole first 1/3 of the whole sequence being literally a conclusion to episode 4. They should have really just crammed this into an end credits scene of the 4th episode or just wrapped it in the beginning.

      The later half is about the Aru part, and my god unwelcome school feels overused now. It was fine when they used it in episode 3 but they seem to be overusing it at this point if they plan to stick it in every episode. That said, a major complaint is that literally they are using only this one track? Where the heck is the other music tracks Blue Archive is known for?

      Anyways, the only good part of the whole episode is within the last 3 minutes with the introduction of the Prefect Team from Genhenna with Iori and Chinatsu leading the charge.

      It’s literally a transition episode, but seriously it feels really dragged out.

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