Reminder – Gundam SEED FREEDOM Hits North American theaters TOMORROW SUB (May 7th) and DUB (May 8th)

    by flyingowl720


    1. flyingowl720 on

      This is the Movie sequel to the Gundam SEED and SEED DESTINY series. I know that a lot of people know about the movie, but were unsure of when it was going to a nationwide nation rollout. So just a last minute PSA for those who wanted to see it. It is seemingly only playing on these two days, but I’ve heard murmurs that there might be some encore screenings for a few days after as well at theaters were it is successful (This is NOT guaranteed though, so try to see it as early as you can if your available)

      If you haven’t seen Gundam SEED this movie will be completely incomprehensible, but if you just want to see big robots go boom this will probably have the most mech action of the year. If you haven’t seen SEED DESTINY, you’ll probably understand the general gist of the movie, but there will obviously be a few characters and story beats you won’t get but at least it’ll be somewhat understandable having at least watched SEED.

      I wish Bandai would try to promote this movie more in the West, or at least give it screenings on a few more days or closer to the Weekend, but it is what it is.

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