A loving mother and Daughter, and a responsible father

    by EfficiencySerious200


    1. EfficiencySerious200 on

      Sauce: my daughter is the final boss,

      The daughter became evil because of the father being irresponsible, with the death of her mother due to unfortunate circumstances on the job, and the daughter going through such harsh life

      The father was a real POS (not for denying her daughter, but the fact he saw a child suffering and he just let it happen)

      So the father was given a second chance (going back in time) in life to fix it all

      Seolha’s scenes are just the best

      (The last image hits real hard 🤜🫀)

      I really want to cry, their story is both sad and happy

    2. Panzerkrabbe on

      Dad was completely right though, your ex showing up on your door step with a child claiming they’re yours, it’s completely reasonable to be skeptical and want a paternity test first.

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