Dungeon Meal Complete Set → https://amzn.to/3vNqAW8 Dungeon Meal Doodle Book Daydream Hour → https://amzn.to/442nZUY Dungeon Meal World Guide Adventurer Bible Complete Edition → https://amzn.to/ 49Inxwr #Dungeon Meal #Reaction Collection #Anime #Slow Explanation This time it’s a video about a character who suddenly became popular in Deidori! I will be posting a collection of reactions to popular anime and manga! Please subscribe to our channel![Dungeon Meal]Here are the characters that suddenly became popular in graffiti books after the original work ended! Readers’ reactions to[Dungeon Meal Reaction Collection]Cited article http://animesoku.com/archives/36842559.html ■Source © Ryoko Kui, published by KADOKAWA / “Dungeon Meal” Production Committee[About copyright]In the video All copyrights, portrait rights, etc. of the images posted belong to their respective rights owners. We take care not to cause any disadvantage to the rights holders or third parties, but if there is a problem with the content of the video, we would appreciate it if the rights holders themselves could contact us. All videos on our channel are created manually and are not auto-generated or repetitive videos. All videos on this channel are created manually and are not automatically generated or highly repetitive. The audio is a slowly changed voice using a voice changer. I am producing videos by myself, but by creating a video format that simulates a conversation between many people, I prevent the content of the video from becoming monotonous. The voice is a voice altered by a slow voice changer. Although the video is produced by one person, we prevent the video content from becoming monotonous by using a pseudo-multi-person conversational video format. *About YouTube’s monetization policy This video This is original content created entirely by the poster. We try to avoid repetitive content by selecting and switching images that match the text. This video is original content done entirely by the contributor. The video is designed to avoid repetitive content by selecting images that match the text and by adding transitions. Regarding the video, we comply with the following people and guidelines. The following guidelines shall be followed with respect to video. YouTube Guidelines https://www.youtube.com/intl/ja/about… Agency for Cultural Affairs “http://chosakuken.bunka.go.jp/naruhodo/index. html”


    1. 外交官としてマルシルと長い付き合いになりそうなのもポイント高い。エルフの国からの間諜が多いって報告に大変ですねって図太いんだか鈍いんだかわからない返事も人気の理由かも。


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