#Final Discussion

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    ***It’s just begun… the adventure of my dreams…***

    Hello everybody, time for the Comment of the Day, courtesy of u/JollyGee29 for some [excellent promotion:](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1chx5lu/digimon_adventure_25th_anniversary_rewatch_our/l25f806/)

    >[No, Yamato, Back Arrow doesn’t start until next week.](https://i.imgur.com/QJMY1OE.jpeg)

    Seriously people, join Sky’s Back Arrow Rewatch, show’s great.

    1) How would you rank the main 8 from favorite to least favorite? Same for their partners

    2) Which was your favorite of the vocal tracks?

    3) What aspect of the show stood out the most to you?

    4) If you could change one thing about the show, what would it be?

    by Raiking02


    1. Shimmering-Sky on

      **Digital First-Timer, subbed**

      Well, this was a whole lot of fun! To be honest, I wasn’t expecting much since this is a kids’ show I had no nostalgia for, but then turns out this was legitimately good, especially Our War Game. Devimon, Etemon, and Vamdemon were fantastic main villains, and the Dark Masters/Apocalymon at least had cool designs even if they were less interesting. And I loved the kids & their partners, as well as of course the music.

      [Wizarmon deserved better though.](#elsieqq)

      Thanks for hosting, u/Raiking02!


    2. Hello everybody, and welcome to the end of the Digimon Adventure Rewatch!

      I’ve said pretty much everything I’d want to say so I’ll be fairly brief. Is DIgimon Adventure a perfect show? No. It’s cheap as hell in the presentation department, the writing is oftentimes simplistic and sometimes it doesn’t carry its ideas as well as it should. But man, it has so much charm that I can genuinely bring myself to mostly ignore that. I think so much of it lies on the main cast being as well-written as they are. They alone carry the show hard.

      At the end of the day, I honestly just appreciate how the show doesn’t treat its audience like morons. Sure, so much of the stuff here is stupid when you stop and think about it, but the show doesn’t treat it as such. It treats its audience with respect, something that a lot of shows ~~and also the American Dub~~ really don’t. And honestly this Rewatch in particular really hammered home many of the show’s virtues to me, even if some of the flaws still remain.

      That being said, next up for my Rewatches would be Digimon Tamers… or at least that was the plan. Yeah I’m not gonna lie guys, so many people dropping out early on kinda killed my motivation and seeing just how barren the threads eventually became sealed the deal. I know it’s probably just bad luck, but yeah, honestly that kinda killed my vibe completely and now I’m scrapping my plans. Sorry Digimon, but I guess r/Anime doesn’t love you.

      Still, I’ll be back eventually come July with some… reorganization. You know BRAVERN!? You know, that merry mecha show about helping the universe and your neighbor? [Well here’s its uncle!](https://v.animethemes.moe/ChoujuushinGravion-OP1.webm)

    3. **Digidestined dub rewatcher**

      Man was it fun to rewatch this series after so long. There were lots of funny dub moments I forgot about.

      Plus it was fun seeing what all the first timers had to say about everything. And I hope I in turn made at least a few people laugh with my attempts at comedic commentary.

      I know the dub gets flack, and for a lot of right reasons, but putting nostalgia aside I personally won’t deny there were aspects I thought the dub did better. Giving Vamdemon what I thought was a better sounding name, Myotismon. Etemon. And I’ll be honest, some attack names in the dub sound way cooler than their original counterparts.

      But you know, when myself and others I know think about our experience with Digimon way back when, the topic of Pokemon inevitably comes up hand in hand with it. Pokemon definitely had a more of a lasting impact, like, at large. But then we get to thinking and looking through the backwards lens at what the Digimon and Pokemon animes presented. And seeing how by comparison the Digimon anime(s including 02 and Tamers) having a lot more character development and growth aspects to it and stuff like that *on top* of the monster fights we loved way back when, we started thinking a lot better of and more fondly of Digimon compared to Pokemon than we had back then. And it certainly made Last Evolution Kizuna get us right in the feels.

      So yeah. Had a real fun time participating in this. Happy to have been a part of it.

      1) Off the top of my head right now and subject to change depending on how I’m feeling any given day (except Hikari, she’s always last). Tai, Matt, Izzy, Mimi, Joe, Sora, T.K., Hikari. And: Tentomon, Gabumon, Agumon, Gomamon, Gatomon, Patamon, Biyomon, Palmon.

      4) Tough call. Especially coming from me the dub watcher during this rewatch. I mean I’ve made no shortage of jokes/jabs about the standards and practices at play in this version. Though I’m sure I could think of a more serious/succinct thing I’d change if I really thought about it.

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