Look how proud she is

    by GroovyChirpy


    1. arghabargle on

      Frieren: My horrifying long life can finally come to an end!

      Fern: I mean the duplicate.

      Frieren: …. 

    2. thirdwin_3 on

      Frieren: I have taught you well. I accept my fate. Like my master before me. I’ll die while you’re still young

    3. Russian-Bro on

      She just wants to die by the hand of her student. So she could reunited with Himmel in the afterlife. This is easy to predict

    4. Redacted_G1iTcH on

      The one thing I love about this anime is how when all this crazy wizard stuff is happening for Frieren and Fern, Stark’s just in the background helping people and becoming the town’s favorite person.

    5. PurpleSeed95 on

      Last famous words, before…

      “Fern, keep yourself safe…..”

      And Fern committed Seppuku

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