*Dungeon Meshi*, episode 18

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    by AutoLovepon


    1. Hounds_of_war on

      Great little fun episodic adventure after a lot of really plot heavy episodes. I like that the clues were left so we could figure this out ourselves without making it really obvious.

    2. OsakaBestGirl on

      You know, other than small gear and hair details, Laios’ memories of his teammates were pretty spot on in terms of personality.

      In contrast, everyone’s version of Laios was completely off.

      I’d be slightly offended if I were him

    3. ObvsThrowaway5120 on

      Kind of hilarious how some of the shapeshifter’s copies looked like some janky AI generated shit lol. It was pretty fun seeing them try and narrow down who’s the genuine article once the obvious fakes were eliminated. No one has faith in poor Laios’ ability to guess the real person lol. Man had an ace up his sleeve though: dog sounds. No one makes a more accurate bark than our boy. He mimics different breeds too! The big goober was seriously about to go full on dog mode on the shapeshifter before Marcille deleted the damn thing’s head lol.

      Looks like Kabru’s little friend dropped in on the gang. She went missing after that Falin fight last time. Guess she was lurking after she got resurrected?

    4. Yeah, idk what marcille was talking about, senshi is practically one of the most handsome man in the dunmeshi-verse.

      That aside, finally, one of my favorite arcs. All the clues and reasonings of which are fakes and real make sense. Really highlights how well Kui sensei cooks up her characters, on top of the worldbuilding.

      The dudes forgetting that no one told marcille laios sneaked in the fishmen eggs in the porridge was hilarious. Back when reading the manga, that was what tipped me off, was wondering why it wasnt brought up, well, until marcille did anyway lmao.

      Imagine if frieren’s second exam clones were like this instead though lmao. Really curious to see what land and ubel would do. We’d prolly be seeing fern presenting treasure chests to the frierens though.

      I also really like that there even is an explaination for chimera falin to have feathers, which is to withstand the cold of the deeper floor.

    5. ChucksChurro on

      They’re playing among us this episode 💀

      Gigachad Marcille tho..

    6. Equivalent-Weather59 on

      “Wdym, Senshi always has been handsome”


    7. bonerindisguise on

      Mew-maxing Marcille isn’t real, she can’t hurt you.

      Mew-maxing Marcille:

      A detail I really like that some might miss is the Marcille from Laios’s memory is the only one that has “semi-corrected” spell-book because Laios has been reading it to learn magic.

    8. People are overlooking the rather ominous final moment of the episode? Marcille captured by the monster guy in black. I wonder what that was all about. (And how did he (1) steal the tea, and (2) use it to lay a false trail — without ANYONE noticing?

      So did that “wolf” control all the shapeshifters? Not certain what his connection was with that situation.

    9. moegi_yaya on


      Joke aside, I love how this show has a huge gap between serious drama and comedy.

    10. Laios certainly is special

      seeing how the illusions were made by reading their minds, they don’t really have great views of eachother lol. especially poor Laios who’s illusions were immediately noticeable.

      and the one Marcille that also clearly stood out…

      and then they called out fake senshi for being good looking, poor real senshi..

      i did notice the hand that took marcille’s hand during the snowstorm wasn’t any hand of their group so i was expecting something to happen there at the end

    11. I find it strangely sweeter that Laios is more worried about smaller inconveniences to Falin like going through a cramped hallway and being cold, rather than the fact that she’s injured and a giant chimera being controlled against her will.

      This is one of my absolute favorite chapters. It really says a lot about how everybody sees Laios that all of his copies were singled out from the get-go whereas they had a bit more trouble with his. Part of me wishes that it got revealed which copy belonged to who, but there’s also fun to be had in letting anime-onlies guess. Especially for the most offensive copies.

      Although the best conflict was with Senshi’s copy. It’s pretty wholesome that the guys have such a positive view of him, even at the cost of accidentally roasting the original. Senshi is a handsome fella, after all. But honestly, none of them escaped getting roasted thanks to this debacle. Like the real Chilchuck looking and sounding meaner than his copy, and the real Marcille being so careless and so picky about food even in this situation.

      Between sniffing out the copies and even the main monster itself, Laios really has that dog in him. Literally. I was wondering what it was gonna sound like. I did not expect them to straight up use dog barks… unless his VA is actually really good at making dog sounds as well.

      And finally… she’s here. The kbity… Well, I guess she was already there multiple episodes ago. But this is her formal introduction.

    12. This episode was written by Kimiko Ueno, who also did the Chameleon episode of Space Dandy.

    13. magnetbirds on

      This episode is such a good microcosm of a lot of what makes Dungeon Meshi so great: strong characterization, character relationships, very well thought out character design, interesting monster ecology, cooking segments that are integral to the plot, themes, and characters, and fantastic humor. I was *howling* at the Laios barking scene.

    14. I just love that this episode incorporated small small details regarding everyone very well for figuring out the impostor and that too without making it too obvious (except for the Laios Clones, lol).

      I’m confused about the one that captured Marcille. Isn’t she the one from Shuro’s party who ran when Falin attacked? What’s her plan?

    15. JustVibinDude on

      When I initially read the manga, I thought the really big Laios was Chilchuck’s perception since it makes sense for it to be so exaggerated. Funny to find out that it was actually Marcille’s

    16. frogsgemsntrains on

      I’m so happy they did the “extremely low res zoom in” gag from episode 1 again

      I’m also extremely happy at how cost-effectively they managed this episode until it was time to blow it all on the dog gag, that was really funny

    17. michhoffman on

      Outside of the whole eating the originals thing, I wouldn’t mind having multiple Marcilles and multiple Senshis.

    18. captaincold0514 on

      This is one of my favorite chapters from the manga, and I think the anime did a pretty good job adapting the chapter. I’ve always think of this chapter as the biggest proof that the whole ” laios doesn’t care about human ” claim made by kabru is far from true. Not only does laios’s portrayal of the party the most faithful to the real one (albeit with obvious clothing detail errors), He also successfully determined all of the real version of his party members. Laios does care about people. he’s just not very good at dealing with them

    19. Shimmering-Sky on

      – [That’s a bit concerning, then…](https://i.imgur.com/dZscv6o.png) [](#csikon)

      – [Oh hey, Laios is finally telling the others about that.](https://i.imgur.com/7PoSSLF.png) It’s about time. [](#kukuku)

      – […another person?](https://i.imgur.com/LdH8C41.png) – Oh, it’s probably the girl from Shuro’s party that ran off after the big mess with Falin.

      – [*w h a t*](https://i.imgur.com/iUT1fLC.png) [](#laughter)

      – [Pfffffffffff](https://i.imgur.com/VYawSOL.png) [](#azusalaugh)

      – [Oh wow, Marcille wearing her hair differently all the time is actually plot-relevant now?](https://i.imgur.com/34sALXj.png)

      – [I mean, Senshi’s is obvious.](https://i.imgur.com/QoKcODp.png)

      – [Ahahaha, took long enough.](https://i.imgur.com/BXnw991.png) And they do it to think *that’s* the real Senshi! [](#crazedlaugh)

      – [Not what I was expecting](https://i.imgur.com/emqjQ0R.png), but hey [it worked!](https://i.imgur.com/8SEThGg.png)

      – [*amused Sky noises*](https://i.imgur.com/NEY84Cf.png) [](#trololol)

      – [Yup, that’s the girl from Shuro’s party.](https://i.imgur.com/e59tn9V.png)

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