#Episode 54: A New World

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    ***That’s because this is neither the beginning nor the end of the Chosen Children’s adventures.***

    Hello everybody, time for the Comment of the Day, courtesy of /u/poofessorp who alas was [unfortunately wrong:](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1cfgzzu/digimon_adventure_25th_anniversary_rewatch/l1p0r61/)

    >whatever it may be, I’m sure pink poop was involved somehow

    [We were robbed](#lifeishard)

    1) Of all the little goodbyes we had, which was your favorite?

    2) Setting aside any sequels for a second, would you have been satisfied with this as an ending?

    by Raiking02


    1. Hello everybody, and welcome to the Digimon Adventure Rewatch!

      In spite of this being this being the finale I have surprisingly little to say. It’s… basically everything you’d expect. Goodbyes are said, the kids finally get to return home… it’s simple sure, but it works, with a lot of the smaller moments doing a lot of the heavy lifting. I’m particularly fond of Yamato playing his harmonica one last time. And while I’ve grown kinda weary of how later installments try to call back to the Hosoda Pilot, having the show end with the same cut of Butter-Fly that was used there is a great touch. I honestly don’t even know what else to mention, it’s just good stuff overall.

    2. Shimmering-Sky on

      **Digital First-Timer, subbed**

      – All the kids riding on the back of their respective Digimon [and then there’s Lilimon and Mimi lol.](https://i.imgur.com/HbAUukg.png) [](#azusalaugh) – This is mostly a joke though, this is actually quite h–[AWESDXFCGVHB JN LILIMON JUST YEETED MIMI I CAN’T](https://i.imgur.com/jxVaQ0L.png) [](#laughter)[](#laughter)[](#laughter)

      – [It’s not quite over…](https://i.imgur.com/RY2B5WH.png)

      – [Ah, that’ll do it.](https://i.imgur.com/o3Q32Re.png) [](#chiochanvictory)

      – [I want Wizarmon to come back…](https://i.imgur.com/vY9O3yj.png)

      – […oh my god, Ogremon’s turning full-on ronin.](https://i.imgur.com/JQj1JMK.png) [](#kukuku)

      – [Were they really ready to stay in this world for *that* long?](https://i.imgur.com/H05Wbtg.png)

      – [So they *have* to go now or else they’ll be stuck…](https://i.imgur.com/LwJXYBJ.png)

      – [Ooh, super quick Yamato “sore demo” right there.](https://files.catbox.moe/etjcmy.mp4)

      – [Aw, of all the goodbyes, this is the one that hit the hardest.](https://i.imgur.com/a3hC98m.png) [](#sadholo)

      – Love this version of Butter-Fly too. [](#listen)

      – That was a pretty decent epilogue.

    3. **Long Time Rewatcher, first time in subs**

      * [They Did It! **They Discovered Split Henshin!**](#maxshock)
      * Mimissile.
      * This is a lot of people dedicated to crowd control.
      * Well. That went quicker than I remember.
      * Ha. Guess he destroyed the wrong MacGuffin.
      * Just saving the world before the title drop. No biggie.
      * [Omega-Omelet](#drool)
      * Does this place just have the wardrobe section in it or something?
      * [ED Remix](#listen)
      * Making some big assumptions about aging there.
      * Wow, dick move, world.
      * Just some all around nice epilogue moments. Crazy how rare that is.
      * [Seadramon Did **Nothing Wrong!**](#protest)
      * [Oh Man, **The Insert Got Me**](#manly-tears)


      1) I like the briefness of Yamato and Gabumon acknowledging they’ve already had a talk about what they mean to each other not that long ago.

      2) I think yes, but I also never remember a time I din’t know there was a sequel.

    4. First time watcher, subbed. Watching fully blind, I didn’t even know digimon stood for digital monsters!

      A split screen warp digivolution! This is cool, I always felt like they could save time on episodes by combining some digivolutions 2 or even more at once. But ye this is toei so probably not haha, Apocalymon self destructing into “We still have tomorrow” is the kinda cheesy stuff I love, that hit the right spots for me icl. Explosion got boxed up but it’s definitely not over gang watch out


      No way it’s actually over right

      wow ok

      So file island is the first to return, then a new sky/sea/land whatever will be created. Does this mean the previous generation of digidestined saved file island, and then created the server continent? It’s good all the digimon are coming back, but this means etemon might be back in future series LETS GOOOOOO

      [cheeseeeeeee :D](https://imgur.com/a/akVdIoe)

      Bye ogremon, thanks for being a great character. Bruh, just talking about staying for 10,000 more days like it’s a casual weekend trip. Even if they’re kids this is madness man I cannot believe that, the farewells to their digimon actually making me tear up a little damn, it’s gotta be tough cause to them they are more than pets, they all had a deep bond with their digital friends and goodbyes are never easy especially after such a grand adventure. Namely mimi and palmons goodbye broke me, 😭

      “This was neither the beginning nor the end of the DigiDestined’s adventures.” damn.


      See you guys tomorrow for war games!

    5. **Digidestined dub rewatcher**

      Did Lilymon seriously just toss Mimi like a boomerang…

      Ogremon, too cool to just admit that he likes everyone. Well, he’s more than earned that vacation he talked about before in the episode when they met Metaletemon. Your cruise awaits.

      Yes, not looking directly into eclipses is one big important thing about eclipses.

      They’re going home. But I don’t envy the serious amount of explaining they’re gonna have to do to their parents. And the rest of the world for that matter. Like I know where they end up in 02 but I always kinda wondered what happened to the kids *immediately* after their adventure you know. That said, I wonder just where in Japan they pop back into the real world? Like are all the parents still standing around the battle site where the kids fought Venommyotismon and they just suddenly get a call from an attendant at Japan’s version of Grand Central Station telling them a weird train with a bunch of kids in it just arrived out of nowhere?

      And I won’t lie, back when I first saw this episode that whole final bit with the digimon all running along the shore chasing after the train car and everyone saying their last goodbyes as it’s departing elicited some serious emotions and stuff deep inside. Made me doubly happy when 02 was announced to be a thing back then. But even so, in answer to QOTD 2, I guess I was fine with this as an ending way back when I first saw it.

    6. **First timer**

      – Last episode of the season. God bless.

      – [Because!](https://imgur.com/a/LkCqZc3)

      – [Cube Ex-Machina.](https://imgur.com/a/Vsq2kQD)

      – [No, that’s a bad idea.](https://imgur.com/a/F7Iam8s) It would equate to years of their lives, if not, their entire lives because of time dilation and stuff. Didn’t Taichi’s little stint equate to a little under two months in the Digiworld? They’re being dumb

      – [I’m supposed to believe that Taichi only got sucked back into the real world for less than an hour? Yea, no](https://imgur.com/a/IQR7kVH)

      – [See, bad idea.](https://imgur.com/a/tvcKOkO)

      – [They’re all surprisingly okay with aging and dying of old age in the DIgiworld. I guess never seeing their families again and not going home is suddenly not something that bothers them.](https://imgur.com/a/mEB7sVG)

      – [Well, there’s like 7 more movies and 50 more episodes so never say never.](https://imgur.com/a/DKPDPIv)

      – [Unfortunately.](https://imgur.com/a/v6dJ5l6)


      – Sora’s.

      – Maybe without the sequel baiting at the end. I would’ve rather the show ended wayyyyyy earlier and not do this “there was actually another villain all this time that we now need to defeat but that for some reason was never mentioned until now” routine.

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